Goods & Grace would not be possible without the help of our volunteers and generous donations. At Goods & Grace we aim to do the following:
- Demonstrate God’s grace in service to our community, replicating His love.
- Serve our shoppers, reflecting each customer’s value as a person and make them feel good about themselves, no matter their situation.
- Uphold a culture of well-being, acting as the hands and feet of Jesus.
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church and Christian Help have begun this ministry with the prayer that Christians throughout the area will join us. We thank the Lord for Ascension Lutheran, Metro Life, and the community of Casselberry for joining in this project.
If God is moving you to get involved please use one of the buttons below.
Goods and Grace is a 501(c)(3). Goods and Grace, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church and School in Oviedo. All donations for Goods and Grace go to St. Luke’s FBO (For Benefit Of) Goods and Grace.
Sign up to volunteer here! We’ll get back with you shortly!