Mission & Vision

Mission: To nourish Bodies & Souls with Dignity and Grace

Vision: To be a neighborhood grocery store that offers nutritious food at affordable prices for ALICE families in a manner that is sustainable and reproducible.

Learn More About What We Do

Who We Serve

The ALICE population of Central Florida. ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These are families who are above the federal poverty level but struggle to make ends meet. According to the Heart of Florida, United Way 2020 report, they make up 24% of the population of Seminole County, and 47% of all Central Florida families. The qualifying income level for a family of four in Seminole County is $52,400, or 200% of the poverty level.

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Come Visit!

Bus Route 113 / Bus Stop #1378

or call
Store Manager 407-603-5885
St. Luke's Lutheran Church    407-365-3408
Christian Help    407-834-4022
Want to Volunteer or Donate? Click Here to learn how to get involved.
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